vila guara a pousada

Getting there

Vila Guará offers assistance for the transfers to Atins.

There are two main ways to arrive in Atins:

From the nearest airport:

São Luiz (SLZ)

The easiest way is to schedule a private taxi from the airport to the port of Barreirinhas and book a private boat from Barreirinhas to Atins.

Airport SLZ

Private taxi to the port of Barreirinhas

Private boat to ATINS

4×4 pousada

There are other possibilities of public transportation that significantly lengthen the duration of the transfer.

From Fortaleza:

Fortaleza (FOR)

It is possible to transit from Fortaleza airport by 4×4 to Caburé, via Paulino Neves. In Caburé, you will have to take a boat to reach Atins on the other side of the river. This transfer takes no less than 12 hours.

Airport FOR

Private 4×4

Private boat to ATINS

4×4 pousada

It is highly recommended to take advantage of this long route to stop on the road of emotions.

If this is the first time you visit this region, we recommend that you contact us. We can organize your transfer guaranteeing comfort, security and convenience.